The Fundamentals of 3D Printing badge demonstrates that you have the basic skills needed to 3D print parts in the design spaces and makerspaces at UArizona.
To earn the Fundamentals of 3D Printing badge, you will need to satisfy the following criteria:
- Complete theoretical and hands-on training to set up a print on a fused filament fabrication 3D Printer.
- Slice a 3D model to prepare it for 3D printing.
- Setup and complete a 3D print using a fused filament fabrication 3D Printer.
For details of how to meet these criteria and earn your badge, see below.
Follow the instructions of your ENGR 102B instructor in D2L to complete the 3D printing training in CATalyst studios or the Engineering Design Center. You'll learn the basic functions of a fused filament fabrication 3D printer, how to slice a 3D model to prepare it for 3D printing, and how to operate the 3D printers in our campus design spaces.
Once you've completed this training, you'll be read to move onto Step 2.
The next step is to use your knowledge of slicing and 3D printers to actually print a model using the campus 3D printers. Following any instructions provided by your instructor on D2L, choose a model to print, slice it, transfer your printing file to the 3D printers, and print your model. Submit the image of your model to the submission folder on your ENGR 102B D2L site.
Some instructors may not require you to 3D print as part of ENGR 102B: if that's the case and you'd still like to earn this badge, please submit a picture of your 3D printed part to this submission folder. Be sure to name your image with the following naming convention: LastName_FirstName_BadgeName_ENGR102bInstructorLastName.jpg (for example Doe_Jane_Fundamentals3DPrint_Salazar.jpg).
Your instructor should award your badge automatically in D2L when you have completed Steps 1 and Step 2. If you've completed all steps and you don't see the badge in D2L, please email for help.
See the Share badges page for information on adding your badge to your resume and LinkedIn.