Intermediate 3D printing badge

The Intermediate 3D Printing badge demonstrates that you have the basic skills needed to 3D print parts, choose optimal process parameters and orientations, and fix basic printing issues with fused filament fabrication printers.

To earn the Intermediate 3D Printing badge, you will need to satisfy the following criteria:

  • Use a fused filament fabrication printer to print a range of parts
  • Recognize the effects of different orientations and changes in process parameters on a printed part
  • Identify basic components of 3D printers and terminology

For details of how to meet these criteria and earn your badge, see below.

Complete tutorials (e.g., sample_tutorial_1 and sample_tutorial_2) on what are the process parameters in 3D printing, effect of process parameters on print quality and time.

For this step, you will need to select a part to print. The part can be any model you design yourself, or a model you find from an online repository like Thingiverse. Next, 3D print the part with two different parameter settings varying the layer thickness, print speed and orientation. Then, submit a report documenting your analysis of the two printed parts. Your report should contain the following.

  • Description of the part you 3D printed and details of how it was created (e.g., designed by you, downloaded from website, etc)
  • Approximately 4 pictures of your printed parts
  • 250 word summary describing how different choices of parameter settings led to different outcomes (e.g., smoothness of 3D printed surfaces, warping, defects, amount of support material)

Upload your report as a PDF to this submission folder. Be sure to name your PDF with the following naming convention: LastName_FirstName_BadgeName_ENGR102bInstructorLastName.pdf (for example Doe_Jane_Intermediate3DPrint_Salazar.pdf).

Complete a quiz testing you on basic 3D printing knowledge, such as 3D printer component names, how orientation impacts print quality, etc. To access the quiz, fill out this form. You will be added to the quiz page hosted on D2L within 48 hours.

Once you've completed all necessary steps, you will be awarded your badge in your ENGR 102B D2L site. Badges will be awarded on the first of each month (e.g., Nov 1, Dec 1) and at the end of the semester. If you don't see your badge, please email for help.

See the Share badges page for information on adding your badge to your resume and LinkedIn.