Intermediate CAD design badge

The Intermediate CAD Design badge demonstrates that you have the skills to create complex 3D computer-aided design models in SolidWorks.

To earn the Intermediate CAD Design badge, you will need to satisfy the following criteria:

  • Identify a range of features and their functionality in Solidworks
  • Make a 3D part model in Solidworks using basic and advanced features
  • Create complex models from scratch when provided with geometric information and dimensions

For details of how to meet these criteria and earn your badge, see below.

Find tutorials from YouTube and other resources to learn and practice more CAD designs, enhancing your proficiency in this field. You can also use the built-in SolidWorks tutorials to learn about advanced features like sweeps and lofts.

Here are examples of such tutorials: sample tutorial 1, sample tutorial 2.

Complete a quiz testing your knowledge on different topics in SolidWorks, such as 3D part modeling, 2D drawings, and part assembly. The quiz also requires you to fully create a 3D part model in SolidWorks from the provided SolidWorks 2D drawings and submit some relevant properties or attributes (e.g., mass, volume) of the model. To access the quiz, fill out this form. You will be added to the quiz page hosted on D2L within 48 hours.

Select an element from real-life and model it with SolidWorks. Your model should include the following.

  • Extrudes
  • Cut extrudes
  • Lofts
  • Sweeps
  • Patterns

Then, create a short report describing your model and the modeling decisions that you made (e.g., choice of features, accuracy of model to real-life equivalent, any materials or appearances you applied).


Upload your part file (.sldprt) and your report as a PDF to this submission folder. Be sure to name your files with the following naming convention: LastName_FirstName_BadgeName_ENGR102bInstructorLastName.pdf (for example Doe_Jane_IntermediateCAD_Salazar.pdf and Doe_Jane_IntermediateCAD_Salazar.sldprt).

Once you've completed all necessary steps, you will be awarded your badge in your ENGR 102B D2L site. Badges will be awarded on the first of each month (e.g., Nov 1, Dec 1) and at the end of the semester. If you don't see your badge, please email for help.

See the Share badges page for information on adding your badge to your resume and LinkedIn.